request: 保留的资源
limit: 最大占用的资源
kubectl get pods --namespace=test test -o template --template='{{range .spec.containers}}{{.resources}}{{end}}'
0 <= requests <= NodeAllocatable
requests <= limits <= Infinity
- Guaranteed
- pod中所有容器都必须统一设置limits,并且设置参数都一致,如果有一个容器要设置requests,那么所有容器都要设置,并设置参数同limits一致,那么这个pod的QoS就是Guaranteed级别。
- Burstable
- pod中只要有一个容器的requests和limits的设置不相同,该pod的QoS即为Burstable。
- Best-Effort
- 如果对于全部的resources来说requests与limits均未设置,该pod的QoS即为Best-Effort。
kubectl get pods --namespace=test test -o template --template='{{.status.qosClass}}'
if len(requests) == 0 && len(limits) == 0 {
return v1.PodQOSBestEffort
// Check is requests match limits for all resources.
if isGuaranteed {
for name, req := range requests {
if lim, exists := limits[name]; !exists || lim.Cmp(req) != 0 {
isGuaranteed = false
if isGuaranteed &&
len(requests) == len(limits) {
return v1.PodQOSGuaranteed
oom killer kill顺序
Best-Effort -> Burstable -> Guaranteed
- Guaranteed:直接返回 -998
- Burstable: oomScoreAdjust := 1000 - (1000*memoryRequest)/memoryCapacity(占用资源越多越不容易被杀掉)
- Best-Effort: 直接返回1000
func GetContainerOOMScoreAdjust(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, memoryCapacity int64) int {
switch v1qos.GetPodQOS(pod) {
case v1.PodQOSGuaranteed:
// Guaranteed containers should be the last to get killed.
return guaranteedOOMScoreAdj
case v1.PodQOSBestEffort:
return besteffortOOMScoreAdj
// Burstable containers are a middle tier, between Guaranteed and Best-Effort. Ideally,
// we want to protect Burstable containers that consume less memory than requested.
// The formula below is a heuristic. A container requesting for 10% of a system's
// memory will have an OOM score adjust of 900. If a process in container Y
// uses over 10% of memory, its OOM score will be 1000. The idea is that containers
// which use more than their request will have an OOM score of 1000 and will be prime
// targets for OOM kills.
// Note that this is a heuristic, it won't work if a container has many small processes.
memoryRequest := container.Resources.Requests.Memory().Value()
oomScoreAdjust := 1000 - (1000*memoryRequest)/memoryCapacity
// A guaranteed pod using 100% of memory can have an OOM score of 10. Ensure
// that burstable pods have a higher OOM score adjustment.
if int(oomScoreAdjust) < (1000 + guaranteedOOMScoreAdj) {
return (1000 + guaranteedOOMScoreAdj)
// Give burstable pods a higher chance of survival over besteffort pods.
if int(oomScoreAdjust) == besteffortOOMScoreAdj {
return int(oomScoreAdjust - 1)
return int(oomScoreAdjust)